Daniel, the blameless statesman

As a preface to this political article, the thesis should be put forward that never in the history of Germany have there been so many uneducated ministers and party functionaries pulling the strings of power as puppets. In the hope of change, a particularly righteous statesman who served in the Babylonian and Medo-Persian royal houses 2600 years ago should be mentioned as a role model.

Daniel was on the verge of becoming the second most powerful man in the state and was therefore eyed with suspicion and jealousy. His political enemies were looking for a reason to get rid of him. For decades, he had proven himself as an administrator of the provinces. Daniel was a favorite of the kings of the time. He was a sought-after advisor, unsurpassed in wisdom. As a prophet, he was able to interpret dreams and apparitions like no other sign interpreter of the great powers of the time. The civil servant became particularly famous because he was not only able to explain the symbolism of King Nebuchadnezzar’s alarming dream, but also described it in a clairvoyant manner without having heard it beforehand. In the prophetic Bible book of Daniel, the world empires of the time were predicted so accurately that skeptics doubted its authenticity and backdated its origin.

The Israelite’s youth did not go well. His hometown was besieged several times during the war and ultimately destroyed along with the temple in 587 BC. The teenager and his peers were deported beforehand. As the young men did not marry and have children, it is assumed that the knife was quickly applied to their most sensitive spot. Finally, after a long march, they were assigned a place in the court of the king of Babylon near his harem. The Jewish apprentices were of royal lineage and of noble birth. The four deportees were therefore taught the script and language of the Chaldeans. To help them integrate better, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were given new names by the superior chamberlain. However, Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not want to adapt to all the customs of oriental high culture. They did not want to eat meat sacrificed to idols or drink wine. Vegetarians will be pleased to hear that after a ten-day test of eating vegetables and drinking water, the diet-avoiders looked better than the other young people. They subsequently surpassed them tenfold in wisdom and understanding.

Ten can be seen as the number of the law if you think of the Ten Commandments or the ordinal number in mathematics. There is no doubt that governments have ruled over the people since time immemorial through the decrees they issue. The Persians had the peculiarity that a signed decree by the king could not be cancelled. So the envious enemies of Daniel suggested that anyone who had a request in the next 30 days could only address it to the supreme commander. King Darius felt flattered and did not recognise the evil plan behind the ban. The councillors and governors of the time had observed that Daniel thanked the Lord of his forefathers three times a day. To do this, he went to his upper room, opened the windows facing Jerusalem, fell to his knees and prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Daniel was unbending despite the ban. It was easy for the satraps and rulers to catch him in the act. He was arrested and brought before King Darius. He could twist and turn as he pleased. According to his irrevocable law, Daniel had to be thrown into the lions’ den. What can the good promise alone achieve: “Your God, whom you serve without ceasing, save you!”? King Darius fasted and did not have playmates brought into his chambers as usual. The ruler spent a sleepless night. His most valuable subject was innocent. How could things go on without him?

It is well known that one should obey God rather than men, even if this initially has negative consequences. In the Old Testament, there are two troubled role models of faith who were particularly righteous. Next to Daniel, Joseph stands out. Another thing they had in common was that they were both chosen as the second most powerful man in the kingdom. Also deported abroad, the faithful servant Joseph was rewarded for not allowing himself to be seduced by Potiphar’s wife. However, as initial compensation, his master threw him into prison for years. Despite all adverse circumstances, those who prove themselves and are particularly gifted are even called by kings. As is well known, Joseph also had a gift as an interpreter of dreams, and word got around. He was brought from the depths of a filthy prison dungeon to the heights of Pharaoh’s royal throne.

The following principle applies to our salvation and position at the table: he who exalts himself will be humbled and vice versa. Surprisingly, the Master from whom this teaching comes has much in common with Joseph. Almost killed by the brothers out of jealousy and thrown into the well, his situation was hopeless. After a discussion, he is sold by them as a slave to Egypt, only to rule over them later. Of course, his brothers did not recognise him when they saw him again because of his language and appearance as a starving supplicant. Despite all the hardships, the second reunion ended well for the clan of Israel.

The slanderers of the blameless Daniel did not end well. They were thrown into the lions’ den along with their families. The carnivores were clever enough to spare the little man as they were served a much bigger feast in return. Daniel in the lion’s den is held by many people as a fairy tale, even though they enjoy watching videos of lion tamers hugging the predators and rubbing heads together.

There is no doubt that historians describe the fall of the Babylonian empire in accordance with archaeological findings. The Book of Daniel notes in the fifth chapter:

Mene, mene, tekel upharsin!

God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end!

You have been weighed on a scale and found to be too light!

Your kingdom will be divided and given to the Medes and Persians!

Belshazzar’s banquet ended in horror with the death of the celebrating king. In his presumptuousness, he had ordered the consecrated vessels of the temple treasury to be used for his drinking feast. In modern times, almost everything that was once sacred is being dragged into the mud. The man who makes himself God (Theos) sits in the temple, erects a statue of Zeus and sacrifices pigs (see the abomination of desolation in Daniel 8). This prophecy does not only refer to the conqueror Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Seleucid (Syrian) tyrant possessed by demons. I prefer to join in the praise of the angels. Nevertheless, thanksgiving and petitions to Yahweh were forbidden in communal gatherings today. Praise that is against the law sounds familiar to me:

Beware of contagion!

The majority of citizens supported bans on religious services during the coronavirus crisis, even if there were doubts about their legality. Only a minority objected to a ban on contact at the deathbed of their loved ones. Christian officials urged people not to scrutinise state decrees. The vaccination of the entire population as a means of salvation was declared by the highest authorities as practised charity. According to recent studies, abuse in the church has not been properly dealt with by the responsible authorities of the regional churches due to the lack of disciplinary files. Dietrich Bonhoeffer already recognised that the church has become powerless and silent. He did not live to see the associated shift in values and lifestyles.

In their ancient-looking temple buildings, supreme courts modernised the law to abolish the good customs and mores of the Christian West. In 1968, the year I was born, there was a sexual revolution. Make love not war! At the Woodstock festival for world peace, naked hippies propagated free love and consumed LSD and plenty of alcohol. Sex and drugs and rock and roll became a philosophy of life. Idolatrous ideologies and sexual practices that were considered perverse are now moving into churches. Climate activists preach their world view of the coming 1.5-degree global warming from the pulpit and the Father in heaven is described as queer at the end of the church congress. The Creator is said to have created not man and woman, but many other genders. The sceptic who clings to the conservative image of the family is mentally ill. Those who do not want to join in the gender madness are threatened with severe penalties. What used to be right and proper has been overruled by the highest authorities.

It is not without reason that one media campaign of lies after another is launched against everything that is right-wing by totalitarian groups at the levers of power. They try to distract attention from their own failures by creating an enemy image. The scapegoat is the political opponent. Similar to the NPD successor “Die Heimat” state money or tax breaks should be deprived. Farmers who have become enraged recognise the wrong game. Demonstrators who are not wanted by the ruling parties and whose livelihood is being taken away by tax laws are immediately vilified as Nazis. Isn’t that also a trivialisation of the Holocaust? Freedom of opinion in Germany still exists in the ideas of most of the Greens, who are securing prosperity in Germany with the energy transition. According to the responsible minister, other concepts are highly dangerous and poisonous for the German economy. In this dangerous situation, drastic measures must of course be taken.

Stasi and state broadcasting are the inspiration!

Private meetings are bugged in secret service style and a fuss is made about recordings. The thought police use investigative informers to monitor disagreeable party members and punish beckoning firefighters. Big Brother is watching you. The party’s real secret is power over people as an end in itself. Currently, even the Green Party’s federal chairwoman Ricarda Lang is recommending reading George Orwell’s 1984. The main figure in the Ministry of Truth is busy adapting the view of history to the current party line. The spectre of German National Socialism and Italian fascism has recently been revived. Citizens are expressing their fears in demonstrations organised by state authorities.

Propaganda from all angles is working: If the AfD comes to power, its Nazi members would expel all people with foreign roots. Even if they have a German passport.

The Berliner Ensemble put on a special slapstick play on stage to illustrate the impending mass deportations, which were decided by 5 CDU members and 4 AfD members near the large Wannsee mania lake. Cleanly researching storytellers did not find any more details in the party programmes that are actually authoritative. However, it is possible that a bribe-taking teacher could be found who could serve up right-wing extremist leaflets as evidence, which he tracked down 30 years ago in the school bag of the brother of one of the participants. To further support all do-gooders defending democracy, the language-critical jury jumps on the bandwagon: remigration is quickly named the bad word of the year 2023, after climate terrorists were deemed terrible in 2022.

The Pied Piper song by the non-profit Correctiv organisation, performed by a divisive president with an antisocial chancellor, moves the enchanted citizens onto the streets. My fellow citizens or a hate-filled class teacher actually think the critical writer is an extreme right-wing idiot who needs to be fought. I’m used to being called a covidiot or maverick, and damage to property plus physical attacks against AfD politicians are the order of the day. Seriously, the use of violence against property and people is described as an unconventional means in the secondary school booklet “Democracy Today” in a diagram on political participation.

You are the true heroes. You are the new white rose of the resistance. You are the salvation of the government when you wave red and black flags. So don’t let the Nazi pigs and blowflies slander you as hypocrites or stupid sheep.

Anyone who argues in favour of prohibition proceedings and wants to deprive leading candidates of their civil rights has not understood Article 20 of the Basic Law. It must be respected that all state power comes from the people, who determine their government representatives in elections, even if they currently disagree with 24 per cent of voters. Fascism is to isolate oneself in a solely acceptable federation and insist that only one’s own red-yellow-green group is legitimate. This gives blue party members the right to resist anyone who attempts to elimnate this liberal democratic order, and not the other way round. But listen and be amazed, children are currently being taught in sixth grade that they have to convince their parents not to vote for the AfD if they come out like my daughter. Anyone who wants to rant against the opposition gets time off school or a better grade as a reward from the leadership for acceptance and tolerance. After my basic rights were taken away from me during the coronavirus period along with many other discriminated “unvaccinated” people, nothing surprises me anymore. One reason why I joined the AfD is that it is the only party in the Bundestag that is calling for a reappraisal of the coronavirus measures. A notorious liar who drove adults and children to their deaths with the side-effect-free vaccination cannot possibly continue to look after the health of the German people in a position of responsibility. According to the press, it was irresponsible for parents to take their children onto the streets and endanger them during the lateral thinking demonstrations (initiator Michael Ballweg spent nine months in custody). The beatings and the use of water cannons were made more difficult as a result. Now the children without parents are being sent onto the streets by the state with the “Fuck AfD” teachers. There they can march in step behind Kill AfDler (persons)/Deport Nazis banners of the Antifa without the police intervening. Saxony’s Minister of the Interior thanks the hundreds of thousands of constitutional protectors who support his state security officers on the streets. It is no coincidence that the highest proportion of AfD voters are in the new federal states, as they have the best memories of a lying press combined with state dictatorship.

Nonetheless, Federal President Walter Steinmeier remains convinced that this is the best Germany ever.

New members, who are joining the AfD in record numbers, see it the other way round. I seem to have met Nazis who immigrated as guest workers to a country where their granddaughters can no longer go out unaccompanied in the city centres. There have always been mass rapes, knife attacks, shootings and hand grenade throwing …

In ancient Rome, there was a lot of rape, and in Greece there were temple prostitutes. In Washington D.C., gay porn films are shot with the participation of a German SPD member in the US Senate. This cost the staff member of a Democratic politician of parliament his job. The highest-ranking German NATO general Günter Kiessling was dismissed on the basis of false suspicions. Today, the Bundeswehr’s reputation is less damaged when the first transgender female commander with the rank of lieutenant colonel likes to be banged in dark rooms boasting during interviews.

The fact that an office is associated with a certain dignity (dignitas in Latin) plays less of a role insofar as the standards of value have shifted.

Today, the dignity of the Bundestag is not violated if delegates appear at a committee in frillies, but if they insist on addressing their counterparts by name and gender, as recorded on their birth certificate and current photo ID.

Admittedly, the excursion into politics seems to have little to do with the blameless statesman Daniel (name meaning: God judges), or does it?

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end! Many will search in it and knowledge will increase.

Many will be sifted and cleansed and purified. The wicked will remain wicked and no wicked person will understand it, but the wise will understand it.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were tested in the fire because they did not fall down before the statue of Nebuchadnezzar. As a reward, they were given the vision of the fourth man in the furnace, who looked like a son of God.

In Revelation, John describes the revelation of Jesus Christ in even greater detail. In his first vision, he fell as if dead at the feet of the risen Son of Man.

Will Yeshua HaMashiach also raise the dear readers one day in the resurrection of the dead?

It is no secret among Satanists that they will do anything to resist the God of the Bible. This includes drinking the blood of sacrificed children. Xavier Naidoo isn’t necessarily crying because he was cancelled in another exemplary media campaign, but at the thought of child trafficking for pleasure. Getting profit of Adrenochrome is currently still being traded as a conspiracy theory. However, the court records of Jeffrey Epstein with the statements of the victims and names of his powerful friends are just as accessible as the former structure of his Sun Temple. Everything is coming to light.

The worst judgement will befall those who tempt one of the least of these to sin. It would be better for them to be thrown into the depths of the sea with a millstone around their neck. These are the words of Jesus Christ.

Paedophiles, however, are of the opinion that children have the right to tenderness and stimulation of the genitals. That is why adolescents are confronted with things that they do not yet understand and find disgusting. Do not awaken love if it does not please itself, repeats the Song of Songs. A fruit that is not ripe cannot be savoured. To put it poetically: we have a sister, a little one who has no breasts yet, what shall we do with our sister on the day when she is courted? If she is a wall, let us build a pinnacle of silver upon it; and if she is a door, let us close it with a cedar plank.

It is not difficult to find out where politicians with paedophile and early sexualising ideas come from. You can hear it in their words and read it in petitions or proposals for election programmes. For a Christian, it should be a matter of course not to vote for such parties. I don’t want to say any more about gender ideology and climate madness at this point. If a lie is repeated a thousand times, it still remains a lie.

Tools that are in demand and that can automatically produce texts on voice command are programmed with certain information. At the moment, it is considered certain that the earth is 13.8 billion years old because the Esa space telescope is said to have measured it accurately and astrophysicists no longer copy 13.7 billion from one another. Since the artificial intelligence fed with left-wing ideas knows everything better, we no longer need to go to the polls, because the predictive PC spits out the result extremely reliably even without election manipulation. After the Bible in fair language, the AI rewrites the Bible even more self-righteously, and God goes from he and she to it. Or it will be created a new book for a new world unity religion that everyone should believe in.

Article 4 of the Basic Law stipulates:

Freedom of faith, freedom of conscience and freedom of religious and philosophical belief shall be inviolable.

Article 5 of the Basic Law adds:

Everyone shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources.

In line with the motto of this year’s WEF in Davos “Restoring trust” – now is not the time for conflict or polarisation, Ursula von der Leyen takes to the stage. The President of the European Commission will ensure a united Europe with her thesis on the greatest challenge facing the global economy in the next two years:

Disinformation and misinformation, closely followed by polarisation within our societies.

My first thought is that she can then release the redacted Pfizer contracts along with Albert Bourla’s text message exchanges.

My second thought is that the former Minister of Defence now wants to shut down Telegram and ultimately even my bilingual MatthiasRuf.blog in a media war.

House searches of disagreeable critics of the regime have increased considerably, which has not only been successfully demanded by the traffic light, but has even been noticed by die-hard police unionists. Countermeasures need to be taken:

So I’m trying to pander as a spokesperson for democracy to the Children & Youth site management. After all, the Ostfildern children’s and youth development centre is organising a rally for an open and diverse society, but there is no room for voters and members of a hated party.

As I enter the youth centre with uneasy feelings, I meet familiar faces. My classmate Jutta, who accompanied me to primary and secondary school, is a local politician. The majority of the 30 or so participants are left-wing and green party members preparing for the demonstration. Nobody can actually know that I’m standing as a candidate for the AfD in the upcoming local elections. Nevertheless, my political views are almost revealed. But luckily my brother-in-law, a youth worker, cancelled at short notice, said the Protestant pastor during the introductions. The chairman of the Catholic parish council is also present, as are representatives of the district youth council. The management of the youth centre is not only the main host, but also provides the technical equipment for the planned protest action on the town hall square. Two benevolent representatives of the city repeatedly emphasise their duty of neutrality. They are not allowed to advertise the demonstration in the name of the city, which is why this is done further back in the municipal gazette in the notices of the left-green parties and Protestant-Catholic parishes. Despite this, the SPD mayor has made his mark on the front page of the Stadtrundschau in an appeal against the right-wing extremist ideas of enemies of the constitution. Of course it would be important for him to turn up. He would be a rhetorical disaster, I am surprised to learn from the left-wing trade union official, and should at most address the citizens. With his sharp words, the critic qualifies as the keynote speaker. That AfD members are complete idiots seems to be the new motto, but at least the loss of votes has led to the realisation that something has also gone wrong with the old parties. One would hope that sports clubs and fire brigades would get involved in the demonstration against the right and that there would be sufficient publicity. But time is short. The city is concerned that only 200 people could turn up, the same number as the December demonstration. However, the target must be at least 2000 participants in order not to look bad in comparison to other cities. The discussion as to whether the date should not be postponed takes a long time. The building is draughty and cold. After 1.5 hours, I leave the meeting early, frozen, without having contributed anything. I don’t want to disappoint the lady from Friendship Circle Asyl, who invited me, by being a traitor at the microphone. I think their dedication to integration work is exemplary. Other helpers invest a lot of time and energy in voluntary work by giving language lessons and helping out with all kinds of everyday tasks. In any case, it makes more sense for a former asylum seeker who is well integrated to give his testimony through loudspeakers. A headscarf-wearing, rather shy participant in the planning circle is obviously extremely worried about her future and repeats the propaganda that all foreigners must leave Germany. The most disconcerting aspect of the evening was the gender language. It seemed to me as if one person was trying to outdo the other in pronouncing …innen. But who knows, maybe there will be a conversation about why you shouldn’t call your political opponents right-wingers and Nazis. Be that as it may, my way of fighting is with words, not with physical violence.

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